Full-Scale Active Shooter Simulation Exercise

Wednesday, March 9 - 4 p.m.

Mayville State University Campus

The full-scale active shooter simulation exercise is a follow-up to the active shooter training held for all full-time Mayville State faculty and staff on March 1, 2022. 

This is a full-scale emergency actual boots-on-the-ground exercise simulating an active shooter/active threat scenario on the campus. All participants will be faced with a high-pressure situation in a challenging environment. It will be a great opportunity for area emergency personnel and Mayville State University personnel to learn and grow their skillsets in preparation for the possibility of these types of challenges presenting themselves in a real-life situation.

To make the most of the training that began on March 1, we encourage all faculty and staff who are willing and able to participate in the simulation exercise on March 9. We are looking for participation in a couple of ways:

  1. people who will be in designated classrooms and offices acting out "business as usual" and then switching to reaction to the simulated active shooter event, and
  2. about ten volunteers who are directly involved with the simulated scenario as "victims" and will who act as the actors in the scenario. This will involve application of makeup, etc. "Victims" need to be available starting at 1:30 p.m. on March 9.

Please complete and submit the form below to indicate your participation as either a participant in the classroom and office settings or as a "victim."