You have worked hard to earn your high school diploma, and your college application is a record of all of the hard work you’ve already accomplished. Mayville State University prides itself on providing an individualized experience for each applicant to help ease into the transition from child to adult. You can expect to receive updates specific to your application and situation throughout the application process.

Will you enroll as a freshman?

  • Have you graduated from high school? Or will you graduate prior to the semester you want to start college?
  • Are you planning to earn a degree from Mayville State University?
  • Have you attended no other colleges/universities AFTER your high school graduation?

If you answered "yes" to the questions above, then you will apply to Mayville State University as a freshman. Admission decisions regarding freshman applicants are governed by Policy M402.2-Admission Policies for Beginning Freshmen.

Mayville State University has a variety of scholarships available for students who show potential in the areas of academic achievement, leadership, and participation in other activities.


In order to be considered for admission, freshman applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • A cumulative high school grade point average of at least 2.0 and completion of College Prep Core Requirements.

       The North Dakota University System College Preparatory Core Requirements include the following:

        4 units of English
        3 units of Mathematics (Algebra I and above)
        3 units of Laboratory Science
        3 units of Social Studies

       These are required for unconditional admission.

  • ACT or SAT test scores are not required for admission but may be submitted for scholarships and placement into courses. Placement testing is available through Mayville State.
  • Students who do not meet the guidelines listed above because they have not completed the 13 college preparatory course requirements are encouraged to apply. Their applications will be reviewed individually and more comprehensively. Such applicants may be admitted with conditions that will be determined based on their specific situations.

Why Apply?

Whether you’ve always known you would attend Mayville State or whether you’re applying to several universities, it all starts with a simple application.

Each year we search for students with diverse backgrounds, skills and perspectives to challenge and support each other on our campus. And that doesn’t mean just glancing at a test score and clicking a button.

We look at each application. Our biggest goal is to ensure your academic success, and we do that by viewing your application as a window into your life. The results of our review process and of the quality of our education speak for themselves, and we hope we can count you among the many that will do their best to be part of our community this year.

When To Apply

We accept applications on a rolling basis throughout the year. But, we encourage students to get an early start to make sure the process goes smoothly. Applying doesn’t mean you’re saying “yes” to us. But it gives us the chance to say “yes” to you.

What We Need

A complete admissions file includes:

  • A completed MSU application for admission.
    (Complete online)

  • An official high school transcript or proof of successful completion of the GED. Ask your high school to mail an official transcript. If you completed your GED exam, have the official results sent to MSU.

  • An official transcript showing any and all courses attempted and grades earned from another college or university.

  • Scores of the ACT or the SAT, if you have taken the exams (MSU code number is 3212 for ACT and 6478 for SAT

  • A completed university immunization form. For anyone born after 1956, proof of immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella must be supplied by official documents. Proof of the meningococcal disease (Meningitis) vaccination is required, as well, for students living on campus.

Admissions Links:

Apply Now
Immunization Form
Housing Application
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