Mayville State provides a variety of testing services for students and members of the general public who need to complete standardized testing procedures. Following are some of those services.
Accuplacer Placement Testing
Students who do not achieve an ACT English sub-test score of 18 to enroll in ENGL 110 College Composition I, an ACT Mathematics sub-test score of 21 to enroll in Math 103 College Algebra, or students who have no ACT test scores may take the Accuplacer exam to place into these classes.
The Accuplacer is a computer-based placement tool designed to measure reading, English and math skills and provide course placement for students entering college. Results from the Accuplacer test help students identify academic strengths and needs to assist in appropriate course selection. The Accuplacer is administered as an untimed, multiple-choice, computer-adaptive test. Students’ scores and course placements are provided to the student immediately upon completing the Accuplacer.
To register for Accuplacer, click on the link https://mayvillestate-ndus.nbsstore.net/accuplacer-testing. If you plan on taking Math 103, please select the Next Generation Math. If you plan to take English 110, please select the Writing. Once you have completed that registration the testing center will reach out to schedule an appointment with the test taker. If you have further questions, please contact Mindy O'Connor at 701-788-4675 to setup an appointment or email mindy.oconnor@mayvillestate.edu.
- Scheduling hours for Accuplacer Testing will be decided between proctor and student or remote option if chosen. Once the student has paid for the test, the student will receive an email about scheduling the test.
- The fee for the English placement is $10 in-person, or $20 for the remote option. Math placement $10 in-person, or $20 for the remote option. The cost to take both tests in-person is $20, or $30 for the remote option.
- If a student needs accommodations for testing those accommodations need to be set up 48 hours before testing. If a student comes day of test with accommodations, they will not be guaranteed the accommodation.
Credit by Examination
A student may earn a maximum of 30 semester hours of credit by examination, including Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), advanced standing credit, advanced placement credit, International Baccalaureate (IB), CLEP, and DANTES. For more information about credit by examination, go to https://ndus.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2018/09/Credit-by-exam.pdf
Advanced Standing Credit
Credit by examination (Advanced Standing) for Mayville State courses is available in some programs. Interested students should consult with the discipline faculty involved to determine if this option is available. The last day to register for credit by examination is the same as the last day to register or add a class.
Advanced Placement Credit
Students who have completed certain College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) advanced placement courses in high school and who have earned a minimum score of 3 on the Advanced Placement Examinations will be awarded college credit as follows:
CEEB should forward examination scores directly to the Office of Academic Records.
CLEP Credit
The College Level Examination Program (CLEP) is one of the accepted means by which a student may establish college credit. It is a national program that affords the student an opportunity to obtain college recognition for his/her formal or informal preparation prior to attending college. Generally, colleges and universities accept CLEP credit; however, students who plan to transfer to another institution should first check to see what the limitations of the receiving school might be.
A student must be enrolled at Mayville State University to receive CLEP credit. Students may not take CLEP subject exams after enrolling in that course.
Contact the Office of Academic Records in Old Main 114 for additional information about CLEP.
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)
Students who have achieved a significant degree of educational growth in disciplines offered by Mayville State University through professional, cultural, or community activities may seek to be granted credit for prior learning. A student may earn a maximum of 30 semester hours of credit by examination, including Prior Learning Assessment (PLA), CLEP credit, advanced-standing credit, etc. Students who believe they are eligible for PLA must complete an application form available at the Office of Academic Records who will assist in identifying the appropriate academic discipline and a faculty member representing that area. The student and faculty advisor work to develop the validating documentation. This evidence is, in turn, reviewed by the discipline faculty and by the Curriculum Committee before a final decision is made by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Credit awarded under this program is considered the same as transfer credit and may not be used to satisfy the 30-hour resident requirement. This credit will only be awarded with an "S" satisfactory grade and placed on the transcript when the student has successfully completed one semester of resident work. A student must be currently enrolled to receive prior learning credit. When credit is granted the transcript will be noted as "Prior Learning Credit."
Test Proctoring Services
Current MSU students, as well as other members of the community may need test proctoring services for distance or other courses taken from other campuses. The following guidelines have been established for test proctoring:
MSU students who request proctoring of tests for distance courses from other institutions would not be charged for this service. Non-MSU students who request proctoring of tests for distance courses from other institutions would be charged $20 for each course, to be paid in advance of the first testing time. Test proctoring will occur during regular office hours and students must plan to have completed tests by the close of the proctor's business day, unless specifically arranged in advance with the test proctor. Proctoring of tests must be arranged at least one week in advance. Guidelines established by the host institution or instructor will be followed when proctoring tests.
A list of available test proctors will be maintained, to include staff in Academic Support Services, the Counseling Center and the Library. Students should contact a staff member if one of these offices for more information.