Purchasing COVID-19 related supplies or equipment for Mayville State?
Download instructions for the proper procedure. 07/14/2020
Mandatory coronavirus awareness training for faculty and staff
Mayville State University employees are required to complete coronavirus awareness training. The online course will take about 45 minutes to complete and will need to be done during the month of January. More information will be coming. Access the course at https://mayvillestate-nd.safecolleges.com/.
How do I ensure my workspace is clean?
Our facilities team has been taking extra steps in light of COVID-19, including additional rounds through office areas, increased attention to frequently touched surfaces to disinfect more common areas (doorknobs, water fountains, bathrooms, etc.).
Facilities will be providing faculty and staff cleaning products within office areas and ensuring items are restocked during their regular rounds. Faculty and staff are encouraged to use cleaning products to help disinfect personal spaces (desk, phone, keyboard, etc.), to disinfect shared technology and equipment (such as copiers and printers) before and after use, and to clean areas between visitors as appropriate.
If there a potential COVID-19 case is identified, facilities will follow a “deep clean” process that involves an electrostatic cleaner be used in the area of concern.
Director of Facilities Services Bob Kozojed has provided information specific to the cleaning of offices. Click here to see more. 07/10/2020
How will proper sanitation of public water fountains be promoted?
Proper signage and cleaning supplies will be available at each water fountain to remind everyone to sanitize the water fountain before and after use. Reusable water bottle use and use of the touchless water fountains on campus is encouraged whenever possible.
What should I do if I need modifications within my workspace to promote social distancing?
Employees are encouraged to visit with their supervisor to request any workspace modifications needed to promote social distancing. Employees can also use the following survey link to request workspace modifications or to share needed equipment and supplies to promote social distancing: https://mayvillestate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_diqVpYoh70w1eeh
Will use of a mask, face covering, or face shield be required on campus?
In response to the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 pandemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidance recommending everyone use cloth face coverings when social distancing of at least 6 feet cannot be accomplished while indoors. The use of cloth face coverings prevents the spread of droplets that could contain the SARC-CoV-2 virus and is not intended to provide respiratory protection as defined by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
All individuals on Mayville State University property or participating in an official university event are required to wear a face covering to contain potentially contaminated droplets while indoors.
See specific details regarding use of face coverings.
What if I need to self-quarantine and cannot meet my job duties/responsibilities?
Notify your supervisor as soon as possible. Supervisors will be responsible for notifying Human Resources. Discuss with your supervisor the option of telecommuting (working remotely). While in self-quarantine you should monitor your symptoms following the guidelines from the North Dakota Department of Health.
Self-quarantine will be condition specific:
- If you are required to self-quarantine due to exposure, email your supervisor and Human Resources. They will assist with determining what leave to use.
- If you personally travel to an area that requires known self-quarantine upon return, email your supervisor and Human Resources. They will assist with determining what leave to use.
- If you self-quarantine by your own decision, then our usual leave policies will apply for requesting time off.
- If you were required to travel on college business and need to self-quarantine then you may be eligible for administrative leave.
This situation is constantly evolving. Mayville State will comply guidelines, directives, and executive orders given by the state of North Dakota, CDC, and federal entities.
Do I need to complete FMLA paperwork if I contract COVID-19?
If the absence involves actual contraction of COVID-19, hospitalization or longer-term treatment, FMLA paperwork may be requested. The Department of Labor has the information regarding this available here: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/pandemic.
What if I need to take care of a family member who has COVID-19?
If you have sudden caring responsibilities for a family member, you should report the information to your supervisor and Human Resources. They will assist with determining what leave to use and if working remotely on a temporary basis may be an option for you given your position and situation. The Department of Labor has information regarding this available online at: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/fmla/pandemic.
What if my child’s daycare or school is closed and I unable to meet my job responsibilities during this time?
If you are unable to work due to caring responsibilities, you should report the information to your supervisor and Human Resources. They will assist with determining what leave to use and explore if working remotely on a temporary basis may be an option for you given your position and situation.
Can on-campus meetings be held via Zoom or Teams instead of a face-to-face meeting?
Meetings can be done both face-to-face and over Zoom, however in-person may be necessary in certain situations. Social distancing guidelines will be adhered to for face-to-face meetings. We are looking at identifying more meeting spaces on-campus to accommodate social distancing during in-person meetings.
Can faculty elect to offer their courses and office hours online rather than on-campus?
Our goal is to offer in-person on-campus courses and services throughout the spring semester. Many factors must be considered when determining if a course can be offered online rather than on-campus and if online instead of on-campus office hours are appropriate. Any changes to the mode of instruction for courses originally scheduled for on-campus offering or change of on-campus to online office hours must be approved by the Division Chair and Vice President for Academic Affairs.
Who could I contact if I have a continued concern or question not addressed by my supervisor?
- Contact your respective Cabinet member.
- Contact Human Resources.
- File a formal grievance with the NDUS.
What happens if another employee or student tests positive for COVID-19?
Employees are encouraged to self-report or report other positive cases of COVID-19 using the Mayville State reporting form, which can be accessed here: https://mayvillestate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bBeGOXsYr2tGn6l. Amanda Jordan, our MSU COVID-19 Liaison, will review the reporting form and provide associated guidance and support for all involved MSU faculty, staff, and students.
How will health and safety precautions be monitored?
We all need to do our part to follow guidelines established by Mayville State, the North Dakota Department of Health, and the Center for Disease Control. Facilities staff will be monitoring the inventory for cleaning products, ensuring their effective use, and keeping records as appropriate. Supervisors are encouraged to monitor their respective areas and report concerns in a timely manner.
I am experiencing stress about this situation. With whom can I speak?
Jenise Wilson, Ph.D., LPCC-S, focuses on providing tele-counseling services to Mayville State faculty and staff. Her services are confidential and free to Mayville State employees. We recognize the challenges that our campus community are facing on a daily basis and encourage those having difficulties processing, coping, or just need some extra support to reach out to Dr. Wilson for an initial conversation. Dr. Wilson can be reached at jenise.wilson@mayvillestate.edu.
Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is available through The Village. Information can be found by clicking here: http://villageeap.com. All MSU benefited employees and members of their household are able to seek assistance through The Village EAP. The Village EAP is a confidential, independent counseling program that offers professional guidance in a variety of areas, such as: relationship issues, emotional health issues, drug and alcohol issues, workplace issues, crisis counseling, financial issues, legal issues, and wellness. Services are available 24/7, 365 days a year, with nationwide accessibility. There is no cost to your household, within certain limits.