Business Office FAQ
What is a FERPA?
In compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Mayville State University Business Office has guidelines for access to the education record with respect to the rights of eligible students and parents of dependent eligible students. Business Office assumes all students are independent. Students must submit the NDUS FERPA Release Form to the Business Office, before any information will be released to anyone other than the MSU student. This form can be located on the MSU Academic Records Website.
What if I have scholarships?
Scholarship funds received from an external source must be here by the last day to pay to be applied to a student's account. If the scholarship has not been received by the due date, the student is responsible for any balance due. Scholarships received from sources located off MSU Campus are considered to be for a full academic year; therefore the dollars received are split between the Fall and Spring Semester unless the outside source indicates in writing the scholarship is for a specific time frame.