Instructional Design
Online Course Development
All online course development documents, including the Agreement, the Planning Form and the Online Course Development rubric.
Workshop Schedule
See this page for a calendar of events for each semester; documentation from events and evaluation forms.
Advancing Education at MSU Initiative
For the first time in the history of the mini grant, we have chosen a theme, Artificial Intelligence in Higher Ed, and we ask that applicants focus their projects on that theme. It is not a requirement, but applications consistent with the theme will generally be considered a higher priority. We have intentionally kept the topic broad to encompass all faculty and staff potential projects.
Teaching and Learning Resources
This page offers instructional design resources for instructors on topics such as technology in teaching, teaching adults, how to promote critical thinking in your classes.
Small Teaching Online Tips
Give Concise and Thorough Instructions
Instructional Strategies Infographic
Marzano's 9 Effective Instructional Strategies