Maddison Williams: Connecting the Dots
If you were to ask Maddison Williams to describe her experiences as a Mayville State University English major, she would say that her degree has been a chance for her “to connect the dots.”
Maddison chose to major in English because she always had a strong love for literature. She has always loved the ways it could connect people to each other. For Maddison, English has always been more than just writing papers or reading books. Studying English has been about developing an understanding of the past, present, and future. Because her MSU professors approach English in this way, Maddison has gained “a new outlook on life” through her studies. She says, “My course experiences have completely changed the way I see myself, my role, and my goal for the future.”
Not only does Maddison love to read, she also loves libraries. And her on-campus job in the Byrnes-Quanbeck Library helps her to connect the dots of English studies as well as personal service. Eventually, she wishes to become a librarian; so, working in the library gives her what she says is “an invaluable experience.” She can take it with her after graduation.
Maddison also sees how her experiences in the humanities complements her degree plan. She connects the one dot of English to those dots of the library and the humanities. “Studying English as part of the humanities courses has been very beneficial to my degree plan. The humanities as taught at MSU have broadened my perspective on life, people, and nature. She says, “everything I’ve studied has been part of a larger picture, and it’s been eye-opening to connect these dots.”
As a future librarian, Maddison also believes these learning experiences in English, the humanities, the library, and her extra-curricular involvements will make her future job easier. “Having a background knowledge in history, literature, language, and sociology will open doors of communication and knowledge that will allow me to aid and assist patrons to the fullest.”
Maddison says that her courses have completely changed the way she sees herself, her role, and her goals for the future. She is “incredibly thankful” for the opportunities she has had here at Mayville State University.
Written by Dr. Carolyn D. Baker, Professor of Liberal Arts (English and Communications)