MSU President's Newspaper Column
April 15, 2023
Spring is in the air
This has been an extraordinary winter, with numerous days when weather caused dangerous conditions in general, including hazardous and sometimes impossible travel. Even as late as last week, we had a three-day hazardous weather event in the area. Early in the week, Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Brian Huschle and academic division chairs made plans for moving instruction online, so residential students could get to their homes and Easter holiday destinations safely.
The transition to this type of instruction was relatively smooth, as the road had been paved during our experiences with the COVID-19 pandemic. We were also able to have most of our staff members work remotely during this time when the campus was closed for the most part. It really was nice that we could keep instruction and business moving forward while keeping everyone safe in the storm. I commend faculty, staff, and students for their efforts that made it all work very well.
Even though snow is still very much a part of the landscape, the hustle and bustle of spring has sprung on the Mayville State campus. The flurry of activities that goes along with the end of the spring semester is well underway.
Area high school music students have spent some time on campus during the last few weeks. We were honored to host the large group music contest on March 14, and the small groups performed for judges on April 13. We love having high school students and their advisors with us on campus and look forward to the music contests each spring.
On Friday, April 14, the Mayville State Division of Education hosted the North Dakota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NDACTE) conference on the Mayville State campus. Faculty members, staff, and students representing Mayville State and other North Dakota institutions of higher education participated. NDACTE provides leadership on issues related to professional education, with primary focus on teacher education. Pre-service teachers have the opportunity to be involved, which provides valuable experience for those who are just about to begin their careers in the field of education.
Committee members, table designers, and many others are working diligently to get ready for Tables du Jour. The event features elaborate tablescapes in themes ranging from elegant to fun and whimsical. The brunch event is scheduled for the morning of April 22. A preview event is also planned for Friday evening, April 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. The preview event is open to the public and refreshments will be served. Cost to attend is $15 per person, payable at the door.
The annual Student Senate and Academic Awards program will be held on the afternoon of April 27. This is always a special time when we recognize Mayville State students for their academic and leadership achievements. Among others, recipients of this year’s Student of the Year award and the Jeff Sieg Award for Teaching Excellence will be announced.
I am excited for the opportunity to recognize our employees at the annual employee recognition dinner. It will be held Wednesday evening, May 3. Employees who are marking milestones in years of service at five-year increments and those who have retired in the last year will be in the spotlight.
We are preparing for Commencement 2023 on Saturday, May 13. It will be our honor to have 1980 Mayville State graduate Donn Hanson deliver the keynote address. North Dakota University System Vice Chancellor of Strategy and Strategic Engagement Jerry Rostad will bring greetings on behalf of the State Board of Higher Education. Commencement day is a very special occasion for not only graduate family members and friends, but also for Mayville State faculty and staff as they celebrate with Mayville State’s newest graduates. The Alumni Association will host the traditional graduation brunch prior to commencement exercises.
Schedules will be full during the next few weeks, and before we know it, we’ll have wrapped up the spring semester and summer classes will begin. By May 22, the summer session will be underway.