MSU President's Newspaper Column

January 28, 2023 

The Mayville State swimming pool is a great campus and community resource

Since the 1960s, Mayville State’s swimming pool has been a great source of exercise and recreation not only for Mayville State students, faculty, and staff, but also for the local and extended communities. Unfortunately, this great asset, located in the Mayville State Campus Center, has been out of commission for several months due to the need for repair and a delay in being able to get the necessary parts.

A leak was discovered during the spring semester of 2022. The tub that held the water, heated it, filtered it, and received chemical treatments before it returned to the pool had a leak. It’s not the first time this had happened. Previously, though, we were able to insert a liner that took care of the leak issue. This time, that fix was not possible.

The pool has now been repaired. The leak has been taken care of and a new sand filtration system has been installed. There is a new area where the chemical processes take place. While there have been changes behind the scenes, patrons won’t notice any differences in what they had experienced prior to the repair and renovation work.

Not so long ago, the pool heating system had been updated. With the arrival of natural gas in Mayville and Mayville State’s commitment to use it, a new natural gas fueled boiler system was installed at the Campus Center. Among other things, the new boiler provides heat that warms the water for the swimming pool.

We’ve announced lifeguard positions as on-campus employment for our students. Non-students who are certified and interested will also be considered for these jobs.

We are thrilled that access to this great amenity is right around the corner. If all goes as planned, the pool will re-open Feb. 1. We look forward to resuming opportunities for lap swimming, water exercise, and open swimming time. You can find the pool schedule and opportunities to participate at or by going to the Mayville State Comet Aquatics Facebook page. If you have questions, please feel free to send an email to

Bringing the swimming pool back to use was an important priority for us at Mayville State. The value of this facility cannot be understated. I’ve heard many times from adults whose first experience at Mayville State was taking swimming lessons. Fond memories accompanied these experiences and that often led to those young people choosing to enroll as students at Mayville State when the time was right. There is no doubt that the swimming pool has contributed to the legacy of Mayville State’s brand of personal service.

The summer “Learn-to-Swim” program started at Mayville State after the Mayville city pool stopped offering swimming lessons in the early 1970s. Mayville State’s former Campus Center Director Bob Brown was the first coordinator of the program. Lessons were offered to Mayville-Portland area children, as well as to those in outlying communities such as Buxton, Reynolds, Hunter, and Arthur. 

Mayville State’s swimming program continues today. Becky Gunderson served as the coordinator for many years. Becky taught lessons for the program in the early 1970s when she was a Mayville State student. With Becky’s retirement a few years ago, the torch was passed for a time to Director of Student Life Jeffrey Powell. Scott Parker, chair of the Division of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation is now in charge of swimming pool operations at Mayville State.

As a community partner, it is a privilege for us at Mayville State to offer the opportunity for learning and wellness opportunities for young and old that the swimming pool offers. I encourage everyone to take advantage of this wonderful resource. You’ll be enhancing your quality of life and gaining health and other benefits that have the potential to make a positive difference in your life for years to come.