The Comet Athletic Club is sponsoring its eleventh annual Sportsmen’s Raffle to raise academic scholarships for the student athletes of Mayville State University. A total of 50 guns will be raffled at an event planned for Saturday evening, Aug. 26, 2017. Ticket holders will have a one-in-ten chance of winning a gun, and need not be present to win. Raffle tickets are on sale now for $100 each.
The $100 ticket buys a chance to win a gun and admission to the raffle event that will be held at the Mayville (N.D.) Armory on Aug. 26. Doors open at 5 p.m. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m., and the 50-gun giveaway will begin at 7 p.m. The evening will include door prizes, cash bar, and many side raffles.
“This year’s raffle event will again feature a fabulous sound and light show by HB Sound & Light,” said Mark Kloster, Comet Athletic Club president. “You won’t want to miss out on this event and your opportunity to win!”
In conjunction with the Sportsmen’s Raffle, the Comet Athletic Club will be giving away a 2017 Polaris Ranger 500 in a raffle sponsored by Finley Motorsports of Finley and Mayville, N.D. Tickets for the chance to win the ATV are $20.00 each and are available where Sportsmen’s Raffle tickets are sold. Eight cash consolation prizes - $500, 2-$250, 5-$100 - will also be awarded in this raffle. Ticket holders need not be present to win. The drawing will be held at the Sportsmen’s Raffle event on Aug. 26.
Valley Plains Equipment of Hunter, N.D. has for the seventh time donated a John Deere gun safe that will be among the many side raffle prizes available this year.
For more information on the Sportsmen’s Raffle, including a listing of the guns to be raffled, go to Tickets are available online, at the Mayville State University Foundation office, at May-Port Hardware Hank in Mayville, at Floyd’s in Portland, and from Comet Athletic Club board members. For further information, contact the MSU Foundation at 800-437-4104, ext. 34687.