The President's Weekly Newspaper Column

Dr. Brian Van Horn's column for local area newspapers.

Teamwork will make the combined Farmers Bowl/Homecoming celebration one to remember

Mark your calendar for Sept. 15-16, the weekend when Mayville State Homecoming meets Farmers Bowl for an epic Comets Family Reunion! While the idea has been tossed around from time…

About goodness and positively impacting others

Thursday, July 13, 2023, was a special day in Mayville State history. This is the day of the formal dedication of the “Connie Rude Memorial Classroom for Infants and Children” at…

ND Higher Ed Challenge Grant Fund ignites philanthropic spirit while enhancing academic excellence

The 68th North Dakota Legislative Assembly renewed an amazing program to spur philanthropic giving to North Dakota state universities and enhance academic excellence. The North…

Independence Day, a time to reflect on the privileges that are ours

Each year on July 4, people across America celebrate Independence Day, the day that marks the decision of our forefathers to declare independence from Great Britian, thus paving…

Support comes in various ways, impacting the future and a legacy of goodness

The MSU Foundation is just wrapping up the fiscal year, and while the final figures aren’t quite ready yet, the foundation is on track to set a record in annual giving for the…

Generous and thoughtful benefactors play a big role in impacting the Mayville State Experience

Mayville State University is blessed with supporters who truly care about the university and the mission of helping students achieve their academic goals and dreams. Many of these…

Transitions and cultural change

In the past several weeks, three faithful Mayville State University employees reached important milestones in their lives, retirement. Head Baseball Coach Scott Berry (43 years of…

Looking forward to hosting the 2023 Shrine Bowl

After months of preparation and planning, Mayville State University is about to roll out the red carpet for the El Zagal and Kem Shriners and players, coaches, families, and fans…

Dedication of volunteers, employees, and so many others is exceptional

Mayville State University is special in so many ways, but the one that comes across loud and clear over and over again is the fact that alumni, friends, and employees are…

One-word descriptions come together in a common theme

Mayville State students and employees were recently asked to choose one word to describe Mayville State. Among the answers were “impactful,” “family,” “friendly,” “personable,”…