Here's why Mayville State is right for Jessica!
Why did you choose to attend Mayville State University?
I chose Mayville State because it was close and comfortable for me. My dad works in the computer center, so I can always stop by and say hello to him! It’s been nice being able to be so close to home and familiar with where I’m living, but still have the opportunities to branch out.
What do you like best about the major you’re pursuing?
I love learning about other people’s lives. I am fascinated by the way that people live outside of my own viewpoints. I love to learn about history through multiple different resources and I feel that I’ve been able to do this with the classes I’ve taken.
What do you like best about Mayville State in general?
I absolutely love the atmosphere of the school. Teachers and staff know you by name and are incredibly personable. People want to help you learn. They really do care about your education and the future that you’re going to pursue.
Have you had any unique opportunities, in or out of the classroom, while you’ve been enrolled at Mayville State?
I’ve really gotten to know a lot of people and I’ve seen this happening more and more as I get further into my studies for my major. My classmates usually have very similar classes as I do and we form a group of friends as we progress through our classes. It’s nice because I am not involved in sports or clubs, so this is a great way that I’m getting to know people who are having many of the same experiences as I am.
What MSU clubs, organizations, or athletic activities do you participate in?
I tutor a few CIS classes.
How have these activities enhanced your college experience?
They’ve actually helped me a lot. One student who came to me was in his last semester of classes and needed to pass his CIS course in order to graduate. He had previously taken the class and didn’t pass, so this was his second time taking it. He was struggling again, so he came to me. We worked many hours together to figure out the process of using the programs and he finally seemed to start getting it. Eventually his final came around and he passed it! He was so excited and emailed me immediately when he found out. I was so honored to have helped him and he was so grateful. He was able to graduate! This is one of the reasons why I am excited to teach. I am looking forward to helping students in as many ways as I can and receive feedback like this.
What has been your greatest moment as a Mayville State student?
My greatest moments have been making the Dean’s List. I am very busy between working, classes, and an attempt for a social life, that it is a lot of work to keep my grades up. Each time I find out my final grades and check to see if I’ve made the list, I am relieved to know that I have accomplished my ultimate goal. I want to prove myself as academically strong and I feel I have done this.
What does personal service mean to you?
In my opinion, personal service is helping others when they are in need. I also believe this is very important for not only the one receiving the help, but also the one giving the help. I believe it builds character and empathy beyond what other activities can.
What are your plans after graduating from Mayville State?
I plan to teach high school social studies courses. I may even extend my math education minor to a major and have the ability to teach math at that level as well. I also may attend graduate school eventually to get a higher degree and have the ability to teach at the collegiate level.