Get involved. Become a volunteer.

In order to operate, Early Head Start and Head Start needs to have parents, guardians, community members, etc. involved and active within the program. Inkind is a federal requirement for our program! We need you!

"Inkind" is any volunteer time anyone gives to the Early Head Start/Head Start programs, which is matched with a dollar amount by the grantee. For every $1 of Federal funds the program receives, it is required to match with $.25 of inkind contributions or volunteer services.

There are many activities volunteers can do to contribute to the program. Here is a list of activities which would be considered inkind:

  • Help in the classroom or sub for staff
  • Help in the office or kitchen
  • Help during lunch/snack time
  • Assist on field trips
  • Helps with outside time
  • Participate in Policy Councill meetings
  • Share talents with children/parents
  • Share culture with children/parents

This list is by no means complete, we encourage everyone to be creative. For more information regarding volunteering within the program, please contact us at 701.788.4868 or 800.437.4104 Ext. 34868 or .