Website Sponsorships - Promote your business on our site.
With over 14,000 alumni linking to our website on a periodic basis and current students, our website is a great place for many kinds of businesses to promote their product or service in a tasteful, professional and high impact way.
If you would like to be in front of our affluential and influential alumni and donors, request a web sponsor kit by completing the form below.
Web Sponsor Kit Request Form
Comet Connections - Exclusive Event Sponsorships
Comet Connections is an exclusive event sponsorship program that allows corporations and businesses the opportunity to be the exclusive sponsor of special traditional events on the campus of Mayville State University. Unlike many sponsor programs that have ten or more sponsors, we take an approach that gives one sponsor the opportunity to be in front of MSU's affluential and influential alumni and friends. You can building relationships with our alumni who loves, and they will in turn hold you in very high regard and seek you out when they have a need for your product or service.
Many of our exclusive event sponsorships may have a waiting list, but you can always check to see what is available by requesting a special Comet Connections Opportunity Guide. We will tailor the guide based on your needs and budget. Please complete the form below to request your guide. Information will be forwarded to Director of Development John Klocke who will get back to you soon.
For more information, contact Lon Jorgensen.
Comet Connections Opportunity Guide Request Form
Get your message in front of Mayville State's alumni and friends.
MSU Today is the twice-annual magazine for Mayville State University alumni and friends. It is read cover-to-cover and provides the information that alumni want to know.
If you want to have an exclusive opportunity to place a full page ad on the back cover or the inside front and/or inside back covers, we have those three spots available for corporate sponsors. Here's your chance to be in front of 6,000 affluential and influential alumni and friends, and with our e-version of MSU Today, you can be in front of the whole world! We limit advertising to just threse three spaces, and there may be a waiting list.
If you would like to help sponsor an issue of MSU Today with your ad, just complete the MSU Sponsorship kit Request form below. Information will be forwarded to MSU Foundation Executive Director John Klocke.
For more information, contact John Klocke at