A planned gift can be a solution to estate planning goals.
With an ever-changing economy, many seniors are looking for solutions that will increase their retirement income, lower their estate tax, reduce their federal and state income tax and reduce or eliminate capital gains tax, while accomplishing their estate planning goals. Often a planned gift to MSU can be part of the solution. We can provide you with great ideas and education without obligation. You can then take that information to your professional advisor and set up a functional solution to your estate planning goals.
To learn more, we have created an educational website that you can browse to learn about life income gift opportunities that help you from a tax and estate planning perspective. Simply click on www.msugift.org and you will be taken to our planned giving website. At the site you will find free estate planning newsletters, articles, news from Washington D.C. that may affect your tax planning and more.
You can always contact the MSU Foundation at 701-788-4864 or alumni.mail@mayvillestate.edu for confidential planning information at no obligation.