Let's cure cancer together! Mayville State University is hosting a registry recruitment event to honor the life and legacy of Jason Perkins. Students, coaches, teams, faculty, and staff are inviting people to sign up for the registry and help cure cancer. In addition, Mayville State is challenging all North Dakota colleges to swab to cure cancer. The goal is to have as many 18 to 35-year-olds register as possible. Every person who signs up for the registry and goes on to donate will honor the life of Mayville State alumnus Jason Perkins.
Saving a life is possible!
Come swab your cheek. Join the bone marrow registry.
Mayville State University is partnering with NMDP (National Marrow Donor Program), formerly Be the Match, to host a campus donor drive Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024. Get your cheek swabbed and get on the registry. Being on the registry doesn't guarantee you'll be matched. It may take months or years to find out, but once you do, you'll have the power to save a life.
- 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. - MSU Campus Center Foyer
- 5 to 7:30 p.m. -May-Port CG High School
For patients suffering from blood cancers and disorders like leukemia and sickle cell, a cure exists through a genetically matched blood stem cell transplant.
- Every three minutes someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer.
- 70% of patients do not have a fully matched donor in their family. They depend on Be The Match to find an unrelated blood stem cell donor.
- Every search through NMDP provides patients with access to more than 39 million potential donors in the world. However, thousands of patients are still searching for their ideal match.
More information
For patients with deadly diseases like blood cancer and sickle cell, there is a cure - a blood stem cell transplant from a genetically matched donor.
YOU could save someone's life.
What is NMDP?
The NMDP team is composed of more than 50 employees and Network Partners across the United States in three regions across the U.S. They work with colleges, universities, corporations, community partners, patients and donors, and faith-based organizations to raise awareness about the need for growing and diversifying the Be The Match Registry by adding young and committed potential donors to the registry.
NMDP connects patients with life-threatening blood cancers and diseases like sickle cell with a matching donor for blood stem cell transplants.