Advisor Training via NACADA Webinars

A project of the Advancing Education at MSU Mini-Grant


Objective:  Increase academic advising resources for faculty and staff

A recording of each webinar is provided afterward, and this is distributed to all advisors on campus and at outlying sites.

Title of Webinar

# of participants

Participant Feedback and Take-Aways

Academic Advising for ‘Double Dose’ First Generation Students


  • Awareness of culture is much more significant and powerful than we had imagined.
  • Cultural obligations often supersede individual desires.
  • Meet students where they are at.

Academic Advising and First-Year Students:  The Power of Purpose and Movement Toward Self-Efficacy


  • There’s an underlying organization to advising discussions. 
  • Students grow at different rates. 
  • Help students to take more responsibility.

Academic Advising in their Language:  Communicating with Today’s Students



Incorporating Coaching Conversations into Academic Advising


  • It’s not the title of the advisor.  It is the person that makes the difference.
  • What processes are happening with advisors who are attending to student needs?
  • Advisor is the passenger rather than the driver.
  • Put the power back in the student’s hands.