September 25, 2023
Mayville State University teacher education faculty members Dr. Carly Theis, Dr. Brittany Hagen, Dr. Yvonne Cannon, and Dr. Kelli Odden represented Mayville State at the North Dakota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NDACTE) Partners in Education Mixer held Sept. 14, 2023 at the University of Mary in Bismarck, N.D.
The purpose of the event was to discuss innovative solutions to address the teacher shortage at all levels. It was an opportunity for all voices to come together to discuss what is being done and how various stakeholders can plan and work together to address this critical need in North Dakota.
Those attending included representatives of North Dakota education preparation programs, North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (DPI), North Dakota Education Standards and Practices Board (ESPB), North Dakota School Board Association, regional education associations, and local education associations, as well as North Dakota legislators, school superintendents and principals, K-12 educators, special education directors, and university presidents.
The Mayville State representatives were able to showcase the work that the Division of Education is doing to support the need for teachers of all kinds in the state.
Mayville State University offers many opportunities in the field of education, including bachelor’s degrees in early childhood, elementary education, secondary education, and special education. The university also offers graduate-level degrees: the Master of Arts in Teaching degree and the Master of Education degree with focuses in adult teaching and learning, innovative teaching practices, and special education.
“Mayville State University is working hard to address the workforce needs of North Dakota, and the need for teachers is one of the most critical,” said Mayville State University President Dr. Brian Van Horn. “I applaud our faculty and staff for their innovation and hard work, and for their commitment to providing the opportunities individuals need to make a difference in the career of teaching.”
To learn more about the teacher education opportunities at Mayville State, go to