MSU President's Newspaper Column
January 6, 2023
Financial assistance available for new students enrolling in the Fall Semester of 2024
Scholarships are extremely important to a student in pursuit of earning a college degree. Very often, a scholarship is the difference in whether reaching the goal is even possible.
I am extremely excited about new scholarship opportunities that Mayville State is offering for new students enrolling in the Fall Semester of 2024. The scholarships are meant to give students a nice boost as they begin their college careers and embark on the journey toward earning degrees. Availability of scholarships is crucial in the student recruitment process.
We are now offering First-Year Honor Scholarships to all new first-year students. Scholarships are based on final high school grade point averages. To be eligible, a student must enroll with Mayville State as their first post-secondary institution. First-year students who have taken dual credit, PSEO, or concurrent enrollment credits are eligible for the First-Year Honor Scholarship.
Students with the highest high school grade point average (GPA) of 4.00 will receive $8,000 ($4,000 awarded each year for two years). Awards at all other levels are for one year. Students with GPAs of 3.50 to 3.99 will receive $4,000; GPAs of 3.25 to 3.49 qualify a student for $3,000; GPAs of 3.00 to 3.24 qualify for $2,000; and GPAs of 2.00 to 2.99 make students eligible for $500.
Students transferring from another institution of higher education and who have earned 24+ college-level credit hours and are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree are also eligible to receive Honor Scholarships. College GPA will be used to determine the award level for transfer students, and the students must maintain at least a 2.00 grade point average in order to continue to receive funding in the second semester.
Transfer students with GPAs of 4.00 will receive $1,750. Those with GPAs from 3.50 to 3.99 will receive $1,500. GPAs of 3.00 to 3.49 make a student eligible to receive $1,000, and GPAs of 3.00 to 2.99 qualify a student for $500. All awards are for one year.
Recipients of the First-Year and Transfer Honor Scholarships may also apply for competitive named scholarships that are annual named or endowed scholarships provided through the MSU Foundation. Generous alumni and friends have established these scholarships through the Foundation over the years, and they are critical to student success, as well as overall success of the university.
Several Mayville State staff and administrators have invested a great deal of time over the last couple of weeks working on the new and improved Honor Scholarship Program. I am grateful for the opportunity to work closely with them on this project and thank them for their thoughtful work that has culminated in the final plans. We all look forward with great anticipation to the results of our efforts.
Extremely generous gifts from the Edson and Margaret Larson Foundation and the Gransberg family are helping to make our scholarship program for new first-year and transfer students possible. We owe a huge debt of gratitude to these groups, as well as all alumni and friends who give of their financial resources to help future Comets. This is a great team effort!
To help encourage prospective students apply for admission and remove a barrier that may keep them from doing so, we will no longer be charging an application fee for U.S. residents.
To learn more about the Honor Scholarship Program and all the opportunities at Mayville State, go to, or contact our enrollment office at 701-788-4842. If you know someone who could benefit from a Mayville State University education, please encourage them to check it out by visiting our website and/or the campus. It’s always a great day to be a Comet!